Zone Raiders Cheats(PC)
Hold F11 and type in:
Effect | Code |
All weapons/ammo/powerups | ISIFATPACKED |
Freeze Enemies | ISISLEEP |
Get access to the X-Car | ISIWHEELS |
God Mode | ISIQ |
Show Complete Map | ISITWENTY |
Skip Current Level | ISILETSBAIL |
Zombie Wars Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
All Weapons | KICKASS |
Blood Mode | GIVEBLOOD |
Invincibility | BEAGLE |
Level Skip | GETMEOUT |
Rescue all Hostages | RESCUE |
See the Ending | GEEWHIZ |
Show all Hidden Areas | INFRARED |
Unlocks Squiggly | SQUIGGLY |
Zombie Shooter 2 Cheats(PC)
Cheat codes
To enable cheat codes type letters on the keyboard during the game. In Survive mode, the codes do not work.
Effect | Code |
+100 skills of weapons reloading | cheatw |
+10000 money | cheatm |
+10000 money | stm |
+50 to the speed skill | cheats |
Adds enough exp for getting new level | stexp |
Adds enough exp for getting new level | cheatexp |
Complete level successfully | stwnn |
Download shop on the level | stshop |
Gives 1000 hp | cheath |
Gives 15000 hp | st1 |
Gives some ammo | stammo |
Invincibility | st2 |
Kill all monsters on the map | stk9 |
Kills all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character | stkk |
Makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. also adds 50000 money | stgod |
Remove gamma on the level | remgamma |
Stop current track | stmusstop |
Turn on\off current statistics | stat |
Turn the x number of tracks | stmus[x] |
Zombie Shooter Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
Complete level | cheate |
Gives 1,000 ammo for each weapon | cheata |
Gives 1,000 HP | cheath |
Gives 50,000 money (must use this cheat in shop) | cheatm |
Gives all weapons (no stars) | cheatw |
Zeus: Master of Olympus Cheats(PC)
Press Ctrl + Alt + C to bring up the cheat menu, and type:
Effect | Code |
adds 1000 drachmas | Delian Treasury |
Dairy Workers dance in Cheese suits | Cheese Puff |
Death Sounds | SoundFrags |
Shoot Fireballs from above | Fireballs from Heaven |
Towers shoot cows instead of arrows | Bowvine and Arrow |
Unlimited food | Lots of Fishy |
Win Scenario | Ambrosia |