X-COM: Interceptor Cheats(PC)
Cheat Codes
Press Ctrl + E together or Ctrl + W together and wait for a low double tone. Then enter one of the following codes for the desired effect.
Effect | Code |
Activate Full Research | knowitall |
Arms Dealer Side Mission | smarms |
Construction Completed on All Bases | quickbase |
Corporate Recon Side Mission | smrecon |
Invincibility | canttouchthis |
More Money | payday |
No Aliens | joyride |
Nova Bomb Side Mission | smnova |
Pirate Base Rescue Side Mission | smrescue |
Rogue Freighter Side Mission | smrogue |
Unlimited Flight Range Time | fillerup |
Effect | Code |
Cycle Weapons | [Alt] + X |
Destroy Target | Alt+` (on an English Keyboard) |
Destroy Target | Alt+# (on an American Keyboard) |
Suicide | [Alt] + O |
X-COM: Enforcer Cheats(PC)
Console/Tilde Key Codes
Press ~ during gameplay and then enter the following codes.
Effect | Code |
Diasble Flight | xwalk |
Easy Level Gain | upgradme(1-4) |
Easy Victory | icandoit |
Flight | xfly |
Ghost Mode | xghost |
Invnicibility | xgod |
Set jump height (500 is default) | setjumpz [number] |
Set speed (2 is default) | setspeed [number] |
Unlock All Levels | open map(00-40) |
X-COM: Collector's Edition Cheats(PC)
X-COM: Apocalypse Cheats
Effect | Code |
Apocalypse (Terror) Mission | Alt + T |
Display Number of Aliens in Buildings | Alt + N |
Flip Dimensions | Alt + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 |
Force Base Mission | Alt + B |
Force Overspawn | Alt + S |
Force UFOs to crash | Alt + C |
Gain $100,000 | Alt + M |
Gain One More of All Equipment | Alt + [Keypad Plus] |
Gain One of Each Vehicle Type | Alt + X |
Show People Tube Connections | Alt + Z |
Test Alien Dimension | Alt + G |
Toggle Allow All Manufacture | Alt + Q |
Toggle Allow All Research | Alt + R |
Toggle Auto-Save | Alt + A |
Toggle Build Base Facilities | Alt + F |
Toggle Dimension Map | Alt + D |
Toggle Instant Project Finish | Alt + P |
Toggle View All UFOpaedia | Alt + V |
Effect | Code |
Decrease music intensity | Alt + G |
Exit Cheat Mode | Alt + [Esc] |
Increase music intensity | Alt + F |
Kill hostile units | Alt + K |
Toggle hidden terrain | Alt + H |
Toggle hidden units | Alt + V |
Toggle invincibility | Alt + I |
Toggle training | Alt + T |
Toggle weightlessness | Alt + W |
View FMV sequences | Alt + U |
X-COM: Terror From the Deep Cheats
Effect | Code |
Level skip, completes the current level with the results of the previous level | Press [Ctrl] and C together while in the battlescape screen |
X-COM: Apocalypse Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
Apocalypse (Terror) Mission | Alt + T |
Display Number of Aliens in Buildings | Alt + N |
Flip Dimensions | Alt + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 |
Force Base Mission | Alt + B |
Force Overspawn | Alt + S |
Force UFOs to crash | Alt + C |
Gain $100,000 | Alt + M |
Gain One More of All Equipment | Alt + [Keypad Plus] |
Gain One of Each Vehicle Type | Alt + X |
Show People Tube Connections | Alt + Z |
Test Alien Dimension | Alt + G |
Toggle Allow All Manufacture | Alt + Q |
Toggle Allow All Research | Alt + R |
Toggle Auto-Save | Alt + A |
Toggle Build Base Facilities | Alt + F |
Toggle Dimension Map | Alt + D |
Toggle Instant Project Finish | Alt + P |
Toggle View All UFOpaedia | Alt + V |
Effect | Code |
Decrease music intensity | Alt + G |
Exit Cheat Mode | Alt + [Esc] |
Increase music intensity | Alt + F |
Kill hostile units | Alt + K |
Toggle hidden terrain | Alt + H |
Toggle hidden units | Alt + V |
Toggle invincibility | Alt + I |
Toggle training | Alt + T |
Toggle weightlessness | Alt + W |
View FMV sequences | Alt + U |
WWII: Desert Rats Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
Invincibility | hold SHIFT + T and then press 2. |