X-COM: Apocalypse Cheats(PC)

Written by igcompany.

Apocalypse (Terror) Mission Alt + T
Display Number of Aliens in Buildings Alt + N
Flip Dimensions Alt + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
Force Base Mission Alt + B
Force Overspawn Alt + S
Force UFOs to crash Alt + C
Gain $100,000 Alt + M
Gain One More of All Equipment Alt + [Keypad Plus]
Gain One of Each Vehicle Type Alt + X
Show People Tube Connections Alt + Z
Test Alien Dimension Alt + G
Toggle Allow All Manufacture Alt + Q
Toggle Allow All Research Alt + R
Toggle Auto-Save Alt + A
Toggle Build Base Facilities Alt + F
Toggle Dimension Map Alt + D
Toggle Instant Project Finish Alt + P
Toggle View All UFOpaedia Alt + V
Decrease music intensity Alt + G
Exit Cheat Mode Alt + [Esc]
Increase music intensity Alt + F
Kill hostile units Alt + K
Toggle hidden terrain Alt + H
Toggle hidden units Alt + V
Toggle invincibility Alt + I
Toggle training Alt + T
Toggle weightlessness Alt + W
View FMV sequences Alt + U

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