Black Ops 2 to be the next Call of Duty game in the series

Written by igcompany on 17 February 2012.

black ops 2

As many of you expected this game and after the huge success the first BlackOps had, Activision decided to make the second game for BlackOps.

The first one has an impressing story and that's the reason why many of you have been waiting for a second BlackOps, i'm sure!

The first romours started to appear after the success of Black Ops. It was since then almost clear that Activision won't refuse another game after they can get some pretty nice profit.

Then the domain has been purchased by Activision. That's when the things started to become pretty clear.

And now this. As it ussualy happens, somehow Activision leaked the details of the next game on the french version of Amazon as you can see in the picture! Their official account listed Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 as 'available soon' and the game price will be 69,99E.

The game has been removed from amazon but we can now expect a few months before it's release in november to see it again with the same message 'available soon'.

Thanks Activision!

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