Call of Duty: Black OPS (CoD7)
Call of Duty 7 - long rumoured to be set in Vietnam - will feature the custom killstreaks that were introduced in Modern Warfare 2.
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Choose who will be the next Madden NFL cover athlete
EA let's users vote their favourite. Users can now vote
Activision hints at moving Call of Duty to subscription platform
Here's where the crap starts, or continues to spew. In a recent interview, Activision's CFO Thomas Tippl was asked if the successful World of Warcraft online business model will ever translate into the publisher's other major franchises, such as Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. To keep things short, Tippl stated that there is a good chance it will. So now instead of getting bent over for $60, they will continue to bend you over every month for a small fee. Greed I tell you. Stop the madness. More at IGN.
Little Big Watchmen
Watchmen DLC confirmed for Little Big Planet.
This may very well be the most unexpected thing to happen in the entire year(with the exception of Gears 3 but that's another story). It has been announced that downloadable content from the movie Watchmen, which is based on the Alan Moore graphic novel of the same name will be released for Little Big Planet. The downloadable Watchmen pack will include the costumes of Silk Specter, Nite Owl, Ozymandias and of course the fan-favorite Rorschach. No word yet on Dr. Manhattan, but if he appears don't expect him to be completely faithful to the movie(fans will know what I'm talking about).
Now tell me that isn't cute
The DLC will also include a sticker pack based on the comic book. Right now there is no info on the price tag but whatever the price may be, this is something Watchmen fans who own a copy of Little Big Planet can't miss, and this will probably motivate gamers to create and share their own custom levels based on Watchmen, which is always a plus. Gamers will also have the option of purchasing each costume individually if they don't feel like paying the full price tag.
Now please tell me that Rorschach and Silk Specter don't look adorable.
Playstation 3 Price Drop... Finally!!
Sony has confirmed a price drop for the PS3 as soon as the new PS3 Slim is released.
The PS3's current price of the 160GB model will drop to $399, while the 80GB will have it's price dropped to $299 until they go out of stock. Once this happens both models will be discontinued in favor of the PS3 Slim
The new PS3 slim will have a 120GB HDD, and it will be 32 percent smaller and 34 percent lighter than the current models and it will have a quieter fan. It will lose the Other OS support in favor of being able to sync with Sony Bravia tv's, meaning that you will be able to control the PS3 with your remote(obviously not for games).
Looks like gamers will finally be able to get a PS3.
The PS3 slim will hit stores this September.