X-Men Arcade Game Info(Xbox360)

Written by igcompany on 23 December 2011.

Game Information


Experience the classic 1992 X-Men arcade game right in the comfort of your own home! Choose from some of your favorite classic X-Men characters including: Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, or Dazzler. Fight your way through hundreds of Sentinels and battle classic super villains such as Pyro, The Blob, Wendigo, Nimrod, The White Queen, Juggernaut, Mystique and the Master of Magnetism himself, Magneto!

Game Facts


Genre: Action
Release-Date: Available
Players: 1-6
Ingame-Text: English
Age Rating: Minimum Age: 12
  • Six Player Online Action - Up to six players can join in the fun online!
  • High Definition Visuals - The game will feature high definition heads-up displays, menus and local/online Leaderboards (Scoreboards). Gameplay visuals will receive some updating for high definition display using proprietary smoothing technology.
  • Online Drop-In Multiplayer - Players can jump into available online games at any time. Choose from various levels.
  • Custom Match - Select the kind of session you would like to join, by setting the amount of players, difficulty settings and what level where you would like to start.
  • Create Match - Establish yourself as the host, and take control of incoming players, number of players, difficulty setting, starting level and have complete Veto Power.
  • Choose from multiple difficulty modes, to give yourself the ultimate X-Men challenge.

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