Far Cry 2 - How to Complete Act I in 67 Minutes [7/7]

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Created on 01 September 2011
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Major Slack's Far Cry 2 Review - http://majorslack.com/new-pc-games/far-cry-2-review-1/ * * * * * About This Video ------------------------ Here's the end of my quest to complete Act I of Far Cry 2 in 67 minutes (67:46). In this video, I assassinate Kouassi at his troop rally and then head back south to complete Act I by going across the border into the southern district (Bowa-Seko). I was so p!ssed about flipping my truck (3:59 in this video) because I actually did the exact same thing at almost the exact same spot in a previous attempt at this speedrun and in an attempt in which I managed to complete Act I in 67 minutes, 21 seconds. So, in fact, that is my real record time at this speedrun but I couldn't use the vids from that run because I screwed up the sound (yeah I know... a tall tale about the big one that got away...) Funny thing is, when I flipped the truck in the 67:21 run, the overturned truck somehow got jammed up against a fence in such a way that I couldn't flip it back upright again so I had to actually run across the finish line from about the same place I flipped the truck in this video. So if everything went absolutely perfectly according to plan, I'm pretty sure I could do this run in under 67 minutes. Although now I'm starting to think the odds of everything going exactly according to plan in non-segmented Far Cry 2 speedrun are astronomical (*chuckle*). At any rate, working on this speedrun was a total blast and a real rush. I highly recommend you try it. ~ Major Slack P.S. Thanks for rating this video! ***
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