Resident Evil 4 Walkthrough (HD) - Chapter 1-1 [2/5]

Created by Guest
Created on 01 September 2011
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Major Slack's walkthrough of Resident Evil 4 in HD and widescreen high quality picture continues. IN THIS VIDEO ----------------- We work our way into the village and then are tasked with running the gauntlet against a horde of marauding villagers. I show you how to survive this onslaught by doing a speedrun to gather some key resources including the shotgun. Also, how to get TWO CHAINSAW GUYS in the village! And why would you want TWO chainsaw guys? MORE MONEY! (CHA-CHING!) PLEASE NOTE: After googling 'pesatas', I realize now that it's pronounced 'peh-say-tahs' and not 'pah-sah-tahs' as I was repeatedly saying in the video. My bad. I'll start pronouncing it correctly beginning in Chapter 2. Okely-dokely... that's it. Thanks for watching! Visit my website - And if you'd like to show your support, don't forget to comment and save this video to your favorites! ~ Major Slack * * * * *
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