Ace Combat Zero PS2 Mission SP The Gauntlet Ace Mode Dog Fight with Mobius.ASF

Created by igcompany
Created on 26 December 2011
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Ace Combat Zero PS2 Mission SP Ace Mode. This is my 1of 4 video shooting down Mobius. Let's talk about shooting down Mobius 1 F/A 22A Raptor. At this mission, I used Falken's laser to destroy the other aircraft fast. Don't want to waste my time. 10 mins is short. The Falken's laser is the fastest way but it is not so good as the Su-47 Berkut in dog fight. Here is how you fight Mobius 1. Don't fight head on ! He will fire 4 XMAA at a time. If you in his XMAA range, he will fire them a lot. Really a lot. You need to get behind him. Follow him CLOSELY. Otherwise he can turn really fast & fire XMAA at you. When you follow him closely, he will try many ways to shake you off. One of his way is SPEED BRAKE & this is his weak point. He will speed & suddenly pull the speed brake. Fire the missle when you are really close during his speed brake. His intention for pulling the speed brake is to get behind you. If he is behind you, you need to get away ASAP. He will be firing A LOT of missle at you. Good Luck & Thank you for watching my gameplay. Malcolm Anthony.
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