Monday Night Combat PC Gameplay HD

Created by igcompany
Created on 10 December 2011
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Monday Night Combat (2011) Great game,multiplayer is the main advantage of it;) =========================== CPU:AMD Athlon X2 5000+ 2.6 Ghz GPU:ATI Radeon 4770 512 MB Ram:2 GB DDR2 800 Mhz OS:Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit =========================== Monday Night Combat (abbreviated MNC) is a downloadable third-person shooter video game developed by Uber Entertainment and published by Microsoft Games Studios. It was released on August 11, 2010 as part of Microsoft's 2010 Xbox Live Summer of Arcade. It was released on January 24, 2011 for the PC via Steam. MNC is a class-based third person shooter game in which two teams are pitted against each other in a fictional combat sport similar to tower defense. The competitors on each team are clones, and the goal is to destroy the other team's Moneyball, a stationary objective which houses the team's money, while protecting their own. It is presented to the player as the Monday Night sport of the future. The game was well received by critics, averaging 79.64% at GameRankings and 79 out of 100 at Metacritic, two video game aggregate websites. Reviewers were generally universal in praising the quality of the game in comparison to the cost. The game's graphics and art style were also praised. Critics noted that the six character classes were well suited to the tower defense style of gameplay. As of October 2010, Monday Night Combat has sold over 225,000 copies on Xbox Live Arcade.
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