Mass Effect 3: Way to go EA!
Now that it's been a week since Mass Effect 3 has launched we can write some conclusions.
First of all: Way to go EA! I have never seen a game to have such good graphics and such low system requirements.
In the graphics tab the only options you can choose are the resolution, antialiasing and other graphic elements. The detail tab (low, medium, high) is now determined by the game itself.
The gameplay is cool. The story it's impressive!
The only bad part found until now after hours of playing (or from the first minutes of playing) is the cover system. You have to use the space button for two of the main things: taking cover and running. This can be pretty annoying when you want to run and you are beside a wall. Instead of running the character will take cover.
That being said we are going to have a review coming up and many more video gameplays to follow. Make sure to check our YouTube channel for the latest videos.
Thank you for following us and play hard!
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