Bioshock Infinite Missions List

Written by igcompany on 02 April 2013.

Bioshock Infinite

As usually, we continue to post quality articles about the missions list of the best games coming out lately. Here you can find the missions list for Hitman Absolution, Medal of Honor Warfighter and Sleeping Dogs. The latest one is Bioshock Infinite.

This mindblowing game will keep you captivated for 40 chapters and you will surely find yourself thinking about the game while doing something else.

Bioshock Infinite is one of the games that we can say, changed players vision about games.

But we are here to talk about the missions list for Bioshock Infinite or chapters as others are calling them. Here it is:

Bioshock Infinite Missions List:

1. The Lighthouse

2. Welcome Center

3. Raffle Square

4. Comstock Center Rooftops

5. Monument Island Gateway

6. Monument Tower

7. Battleship Bay

8. Soldier’s Field

9. The Hall of Heroes

10. Inside the Hall of Heroes

11. Hall of Heroes Gift Shop

12. Return to the Hall of Heroes Plaza

13. Finkton Docks

14. Beggar’s Wharf

15. Fort Franklin Pier

16. Worker Induction Center

17. The Plaza of Zeal

18. The Good Time Club

19. The Plaza of Zeal

20. The Gunsmith Shop

21. Shantytown

22. The Bull House Impound

23. The Bull Yard

24.  Finkton Proper

25. On to the Factory

26. The Factory Courtyard

27. The Factory

28. Emporia

29. Port Prosperity

30. Downtown Emporia

31. Memorial Gardens

32. Comstock House

33. The Atrium

34. Warden’s Office

35. The Operating Theater

36. The Hand of the Prophet

37. Hangar Deck

38. Engineering Deck

39. Command Deck

40. The Sea of Doors

Comments (34)

Hi guys this game is really fun to play and time goes so fast when playing this game now im dong the last mission well thks guys for a wonderful game!!!


I luf dis game


I, for one would fuck the shit out of Elizabeth. But that's just me.


THIS IS GAME.....IS JUST.........ABSOLUTELY.....................(no more words in my mouth)


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