Call of Duty Black Ops 2: Is it going to be a success?

Written by igcompany on 21 June 2012.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 started a confrontation since it has been announced or since the trailer came out. This is mainly because this is the first Call of Duty in the series that won't follow the main story of the well known COD games.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will be set in 2025 and will look more like Crysis. Futuristic weapons, airplanes, futuristic everything. The only thing that will be kept is the character from the first Black Ops, Woods.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Screenshot

I would have prefered to have a continuation of the first Black Ops, a proper one and not one set a few decades later. But this can also be a new beggining for the series since the players startet to criticise developer's attitude about creating the same type of games every year. Well here you go, you have a different type of game now, all we must hope is that they will make a good job and create a great game.

Activision is also changing it's strategy since EA's Battlefield 3 entered the market hard and gathered a lot of fans. They need to compete with EA and by doing that it seems that they adopted their strategy of creating sci-fi first person shooters.

We don't need to complain CoD too much since it set a new record for the biggest number of preorders on Amazon. The old record was hold by the first Black Ops.

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The official trailer for the game, out of 100.000 likes half of that number are dislikes so Activision better be careful of what they are doing since not everybody agrees with the fact that Black Ops II will take part in the future. And onestly from the screenshots that you will be able to see in one of our future article the game isn't even near FrostBite 2 and Battlefield 3.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will be released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on november 13th, 2012.

What do you think? Will Call of Duty Black Ops 2 be a succes?

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